Propolis is the most natural antibiotic man has ever discovered. Greeks and Romans use it to treat skin lesions and Egyptians used it in the mummification process. Today the World Health Organization has recognized Propolis as an important product of the natural cure. Propolis is a resin collected by bee’s from tree barks, buds or other parts of a plant tissue.
Green Propolis in it’s natural form.
Bees transport these substances into the hives, add salivary secretions and wax (fatty acids), so the chemical composition stays distributed as follow: 55% vegetal resins, 30% beeswax, 10% essential oils and 5% pollen. The final product is green sticky resin bees use to varnish the hive interior to protect it and to ensure a sterile environment. As it happens with honey, Propolis may present small changes in color and chemical composition according to the flora it originates from. Recent scientific studies carried out in the United States, Japan and Brazil have confirmed that the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, hypertensive and cicatrizing properties of Propolis. More than 150 active substances have been identified in the Propolis, among which an array of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. But the greatest virtue is the unique combination of bioflavonoid Propolis contains is exponential quality. Flavonoids constitute a group of organic compounds whose function is to protect and defend the cells of our bodies.
WAX GREEN PROPOLIS – Our ex-tracts are elaborated with Propolis origin from São Paulo and south-ern part of Minas Gerais State, recognized in the international market for its high contents of Flavonoids. Laboratorial analysis performed by the Universidade Estadual Paulista attested that contents of Flavonoids in Wax Green products are superior to those of the best producers in Brazil. Minimum residue: Is the minimum amount of solid material in the product after evaporation of the liquid content. Wax Green Propolis guarantees the minimum solid residue in its products will always be higher than what is indicated in the label.
Warning: Though rare, some allergic reactions have been registered with the use of Propolis which will ap-pear in the form of skin rash. Should this occur, DISCONTINUE USE IMME-DIATELY and seek medical advice.
DO NOT interrupt conventional treatment or the use of medicine prescribed by your doctor while us-ing Propolis.